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With a skilled sedation dentist in Central HK, you can feel great about dental care

HK expert sedation dentist offers pain free dental treatment

You may do your best to take care of your teeth at home by brushing and flossing daily. These steps are only a part of the care that creates optimal oral health. To ensure that your smile remains beautiful and healthy takes an extensively trained and watchful eye that knows what to look for. As individuals, we are so familiar with our own teeth and gums that we may miss the early warning signs that problems are around the corner. It may sound logical that dental visits are necessary for sustained health. The fact is, however, that many people avoid … Continue reading

How does Central HK dentist provide pain free dentistry procedures?

HK dentist explains how pain free dental treatments work

It is common for patients who are visiting the dentist to be uneasy about the appointment. They may have had past experiences that have made them anxious about dental visits, or they may be scared of the pain and discomfort they think they may feel if they visit the dentist. This is completely understandable; we work hard at reducing or eliminating the pain, anxiety, and uncomfortable feelings that patients may experience before or during their dental appointment. Our Central HK practice will provide pain free dentistry procedures for patients so they can be at ease about their dental health and … Continue reading

Best methods used by Central, HK dentist for pain free treatment

HK dentist offers pain free dental treatment

Patients of all ages can feel fear and anxiety while visiting the dentist. These patients tend to avoid the dentist and do not receive the oral health care they require to maintain healthy smiles due to their inability to control their anxiety. Our practice understands that not everyone views a trip to the dental office as a positive visit. We have empathy for our patients, and believe that any treatments received should be pain free for the best experience possible. We offer different methods of sedation to provide quality, comfortable care for patients of all ages. At our holistic dental … Continue reading

Many patients in the Hong Kong area ask, “What is holistic dentistry?”

What is holistic dentistry? explained by Dentist in Central HK

In today’s society, patients are becoming more aware of the way they care for their bodies. People are becoming more active and exercising more, while others are focusing on how well they are feeding and fueling their bodies. With this in mind, it makes complete sense for these same people to take note of how they are taking care of their smiles. Dr. Titania Tong of Hong Kong is proud to offer solutions for patients including holistic dental care. What is holistic dentistry? Holistic dentistry is dental treatments and services that are biocompatible with the body. They are treatments that … Continue reading

Smile brighter with the assistance of a Central HK dentist

Dr. Tong and team provide excellent holistic dental care

If you smile in the mirror and see something other than a bright, beautiful smile it can cause you to feel self-conscious all day long. You may find yourself hiding your smile behind your hand or your hair, or worse, not smiling as much as you want to. Over time, this can cause serious damage to your self-esteem. Dr. Titania Tong wants her Central Hong Kong patients to know that achieving a great smile isn’t all about genetics and luck. In fact, it often takes the help of a trusted cosmetic dentist to help a patient get the smile that … Continue reading

Holistic dentistry guards health and leads to beautiful smile images in Hong Kong

Bio dentistry care from Dentist in Hong Kong

Amalgam fillings are among some of the most concerning restorations in dentistry. While dental amalgam has been used around the world for more than a century and a half, there are significant findings that cause the holistic dentist to step away from the use of this material. The primary risk associated with dental amalgam is mercury and its toxicity. Amalgams are so heavy in their mercury content that they are one of the primary sources of toxicity faced by consumers today. Each time an amalgam filling is heated, as occurs when food is chewed, mercury escapes into the mouth and … Continue reading

Bio dentistry in Hong Kong can improve your life

Bio dentistry services from Dentist in Hong Kong

Throughout the many decades of modern dentistry, a growing number of dental professionals have discovered that the best way to provide a high standard of care is with elevated standards. Dr. Titania Tong focuses on bio dentistry techniques and practices. The principals on which our Hong Kong practice has been built do more than treat symptoms, they promote the health and wellbeing of our patients. There are several benefits that come from teaming with a holistic dental team: Digging deeper Bio dentistry is not geared toward a “quick fix” for dental problems. Dr. Tong goes further and takes in the … Continue reading

How holistic oral and dental care in our centre in Hong Kong can protect health and wellness

holistic oral and dental care from Dentist in Hong Kong

There is a significant difference in how the holistic dentist practices. In the office of Dr. Titania Tong, the mouth is cared for in the context of the whole body. Dr. Tong understands that each tooth is an important structure in the body, and should be respected as such. Even small problems like cavities can have a big impact on health and wellness. For this reason alone, it is beneficial to obtain holistic oral and dental care in our centre in Hong Kong. When a tooth or teeth have cavities, this means that harmful bacteria outnumber good and that the … Continue reading

Guard your health with holistic dentistry services in Central HK

holistic dentistry services from Dentist in Central HK

When we visit the dentist, we are under the impression that our oral health is adequately monitored and cared for with great precision. Although general dentistry offers preventive treatment options to keep teeth and gums in good condition, there are also common restorative treatments that can lead to ongoing health issues. For decades, the risk of amalgam fillings has been debated, with data mounting to prove this frequently used material poses significant health risks. Most people only know of silver dental fillings, as amalgam has been the most-used dental material for so long. Since before the Civil War, dentists around … Continue reading

What is holistic dentistry in Central HK?

what is holistic dental care learn from Dentist in Central HK

At our practice, we are committed to improving oral health and creating beautiful smiles through holistic dentistry. We understand how important it is for our patients to enjoy a healthy smile, and to achieve it in the best, most natural way possible. Because of this, our practice is pleased to offer our patients the benefits that come with holistic dentistry, and we want to help them understand why it is so important to take good care of not only their mouths, but also their bodies. What is holistic dentistry? Central HK dentists can help patients understand the benefits of this … Continue reading