Health benefits of mercury filling removal
In recent years, many studies have shown that the effects of mercury exposure can lead to damaging health conditions. In some cases, mercury can easily be avoided by adjusting a person’s diet and some environmental factors. However, many patients have found that their highest exposure to mercury is happening within his or her own mouth. For many years, metal fillings were used because they were thought to be the most durable. Unfortunately, these metal fillings contain high levels of mercury, which is released into the mouth all the time, and when the person performs daily activities such as eating, brushing, or grinding their teeth, the release is accelerated.
That’s why I am committed to only using safe materials during dentistry procedures and why I have been specially trained to remove metal dental fillings. Removing the dental fillings is a complex, but safe procedure. My team and I take special care to make sure that the patient, as well as ourselves and the environment remain protected from mercury exposure. This includes using special equipment and wearing protective masks.
As a holistic dentist, I consider the overall health and wellness of my patients, not simply the appearance of their smiles. To that end, in addition to removing patients’ mercury fillings, we also provide advice about how to detox their body from mercury using natural herbs and supplements. Patients who have undergone this treatment often report a decrease in symptoms soon after the mercury has left their body. I have patients who have reported sleeping better at night and others have found relief from a previously consistent sore throat. Still others have had a greater ability to focus on tasks and some reported the improvement of conditions such as eczema.
For more information about the benefits of removing your mercury fillings, call our office today. I am happy to discuss the advantages with you in depth and answer any questions you may have about the procedure, how to prepare, and what to expect. Our commitment to patient health and wellness is demonstrated in how we treat each patient as an individual who receives customized care. To learn more, call us today.
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