Early treatment for gum disease from your dentist in Hong Kong drives the prices of dental care down
When we brush and floss our teeth, we should see no pink. Bleeding is not a sign that we have brushed too aggressively, or that floss has somehow hit the gums wrong. “Pink in the sink” is an indicator of gum disease, plain and simple. If accompanied by chronic bad breath or tooth sensitivity, bleeding may signal that the gums are at risk of recession and more. With early treatment from your dentist in Hong Kong, it is possible to reverse the early stage of gum disease and, as a result, drive the prices of dental care down.
Gum disease is a condition that occurs in stages. The first stage, gingivitis, is the only phase that we can stop dangerous bacterial activity. Once an infection has progressed, and deeper tissues are affected in periodontitis, treatments will revolve around management and must continue on a regular basis in order to protect the stability of teeth.
Oral bacteria are a major source of concern for lifelong oral health. Unfortunately, an imbalance can quickly occur when the mouth becomes too acidic from the foods and beverages we consume. Gum disease is a sign of aggressive oral bacteria, and that assistance is needed in turning things around. What we like to see are strong, moist, pink gums, as this tissue is necessary for the stability of teeth and the functionality of chewing.
If you notice pink in the sink, or even experience tooth sensitivity or soreness in the gums themselves, it is time to schedule a visit with your conscientious dentist. In our office, Dr. Tong performs a thorough examination of teeth and gums, recommending treatment as needed for dental problems. Gum disease is a condition for which there are multiple treatment options, performed under local anaesthetic to provide a comfortable treatment experience.
The treatment Dr. Tong recommends for gum disease correlates with the severity of infection and existing damage. Ideally, our patients will visit us at the first sign of inflammation. This will allow us to address infection early with the most conservative treatment, such as the removal of plaque and bacteria.
Schedule your visit with Dr. Titania Tong today by calling 852 2810 1801.
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