Be your own amazing “before and after” with cosmetic dentistry treatment from Dr. Titania Tong
We have all looked in magazines or watched a movie and been dazzled by at least one amazingly beautiful smile. The brightness of celebrities’ and models’ teeth looks so natural, which it is supposed to. The truth is, however, most people in the public eye have had work done on their smile.
If your smile does not look like those you admire, your biggest temptation may be to attempt teeth whitening on your own. There are several options for commercial products, as well as DIY remedies, that seem to have the “best” method of removing stains. Most of them, however, have a downside that either wastes your time and money or poses a threat to your teeth and gums.
In order for a commercial teeth whitening product to be marketed to everyone, it must contain a very low level of peroxide. As such, this type of product tends to work for very few people. This one-size-fits- all approach is actually very unimpressive in terms of results. Before you attempt whitening on your own, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tong. After you see the results that have been achieved with professional teeth whitening in our cosmetic dentistry office, you will see why this option is the most cost-effective way to improve the smile. With professional care, you get:
- Treatment that is customized to your needs. Before teeth whitening treatment, a consultation and evaluation is performed. During this visit, you get to discuss what it is about your smile that you feel is lacking. Dr. Tong will examine the potential cause of discoloration, and will formulate a plan for teeth whitening based on her findings. Most often, teeth become dull over time due to the effects of various foods and beverages. This type of staining is typically very responsive to teeth whitening.
- Safe, effective treatment with a lower risk of sensitivity. Many people who have used over-the-counter whitening products report feeling quite a bit of sensitivity. The fact is whitening gel does contain bleach. If gel is not applied correctly and it is exposed to the gums, sensitivity in this area may occur. When Dr. Tong designs teeth whitening, she demonstrates for her patients how to use their product if home whitening. With in-office whitening, extensive precautions are taken to minimize the risk of sensitivity or irritation to soft tissues.
- Personalized care. When your teeth whitening treatment is overseen by your dentist, you have someone to turn to if you have concerns or questions.
Contact our office at call 852 2810 1801 for your consultation.
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